Treated properly, great hearing can mean easy conversations, clearer thinking, better memory recall and proactive wellness.

Treat your hearing loss properly and enjoy huge wellbeing benefits

John Hopkins University has lead a growing body of global research into the benefits of good hearing and long-term brain health*. Correcting a moderate hearing loss can reduce the risks of acquiring dementia by 500%! And the benefits don’t stop there. Easier, less frustrating communication, social connectedness, less fatigue, higher productivity, listening enjoyment and more.

*See link here

Improve communication and cognition. It’s not too late.

New research from Oxford University and John Hopkins University tells us that it’s never too late to start*. Treating a hearing loss is the number one most easily treated factor known to reduce the risks of acquiring dementia. As well, even if you are in the early stages of dementia, we now know that treating a hearing loss properly, allows the brain to ‘re-wire’, get fit and build on gray matter lost from a lack of sound stimulation caused by the loss.

If you are concerned about acquiring dementia or worry that you may be in the early stages of, we can offer a lot of information and advice on what you can do to put your best foot forward.

*See link here

“it has been life changing Rachel and well beyond any expectations”

—Musician, Michael S.

Call Lilian Scherer and Rachel Deane.